Rainy Days and Taxicabs (aka Grey and Yellow design)

11:43 PM

While a sunny day is nice, there's just something about a rainy day that I absolutely love!  The grey sky and sound of raindrops is so soothing.  It's the perfect time to snuggle up in front of the fire with some yummy soup.

A rainy day in the city is one of my favorite things.  I love the way the lights reflect on the wet streets and cars splash through the puddles.  Surrounded by so many shades of grey, it almost feels as if you're in a black and white picture.

The only thing better than such a day is seeing a bright splash of yellow in the form of a taxi or maybe an umbrella.  Such a bright color against all of the grey is positively invigorating.

clockwise from the left: dailymail.co.uk, Jez Coulson, Adam Sichta
How great is it then, that one of my favorite color combinations - grey and yellow - seem to be popping up everywhere these days?!



And my new love, this super-cool yarn ball ottoman - t.e. 91 - from Thomas Eyck.  It looks so snugly!

Christien Meindertsma

And of course, some great rooms with this beautiful color scheme

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